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Friday, January 10, 202517 vues2

Apparently, You Need to Talk About AI on LinkedIn in 2025!

Mike Codeur


Apparently, you need to talk about AI on LinkedIn in 2025! Let’s dive in.

The numbers speak for themselves: my early posts would get between 200 and 300 impressions, while posts about AI sometimes reach over 35,000 impressions. 😲

It’s clear: AI sparks interest. But what about its impact on content creation?

Since I became active on LinkedIn, I feel like I can easily spot posts generated by AI. 🛑 And honestly, I often find them dull and soulless. They lack that personal touch that truly grabs attention.

Here’s how I use (or don’t use) AI in my content creation:

What I don’t do:

  • I don’t use AI to directly write a full post for me.
  • I don’t ask it to "spit out" ready-made content on a specific topic.

What I do:

  1. Start with a personal angle: I bring a story, an experience, or a concrete project.
  2. Write authentically: I write the content myself.
  3. Research and enrich: I use AI to find arguments, sources, or relevant studies.
  4. Restructure: I edit and restructure my text with AI while keeping my message direct and impactful.
    👉 Pro tip: I always instruct AI not to "soften" my message.

How about you? How do you use AI in your content creation?

I’d love to hear your methods! 💬

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