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Friday, January 31, 202512 vues2

How to Test a FullStack Next.js Application?

Mike Codeur


Do you think you're testing your Next.js app properly?
But what happens when you have React Server Components and Server Actions?

🚨 Spoiler alert: You can’t test RSCs with React Testing Library.

If you're doing fullstack development, you can’t rely solely on presentation-layer tests (and only client-side tests).

Since Testing Library doesn’t support RSCs, how can you properly test a FullStack Next.js app?

My approach:

Unit tests (layer by layer)
Integration tests (multi-layered)
E2E tests

1️⃣ Unit tests:

  • Presentation: Test RCCs, hooks, and context with React Testing Library
  • Service Layer: Test services (mocking persistence/auth...)
  • Persistence: Use a containerized database (Testcontainers is great for mirroring the production DB)

2️⃣ Integration tests:

Mainly service-level tests (without mocks) to ensure proper integration with:

  • Authentication
  • Validation
  • RBAC (role management)
  • Persistence

3️⃣ E2E tests:

  • End-to-End tests on a production-like build (but in a test environment)
  • It’s nearly the only reliable way to test RSCs

With Husky + CI/CD, you can commit & push to main on a Friday night without stress. 😉

👉 PS2: All of this is covered in my FullStack Testing module in Next Mastery.

💬 And you? What's your FullStack testing approach? 🚀 test-fullstack-next

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