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Wednesday, January 29, 202520 vues2

Should You Become a FullStack Developer?

Mike Codeur


Don't Become a FULLSTACK Developer!

That’s what we hear everywhere.

And you know what? I myself discouraged it for years.

Being a front-end developer is already not easy, so adding back-end on top of that?!

I won’t even mention the struggles:
🔐 AuthN/AuthZ
🗄️ Databases
🛡️ Security

Too complicated.

But all of that is in the past.

Things Have Changed

Before, it took years of experience to become a truly qualified FullStack developer.

Today, a junior developer, properly trained in FullStack, with the right fundamentals, can achieve incredible things.


Because they’re no longer alone—they have an army of AI assistants to help them. 🤖

Now is the time to stand out.

To stop being afraid of FullStack.

With the right tools, the right knowledge, and a little boost from AI, you can go further than ever before.

So, tell me honestly:

👉 What do you think about FullStack development?

💡 Is it truly an asset today? fullstack

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