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Friday, February 28, 202514 vues7

The average hater of expats is just a "Tanguy"

Mike Codeur

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The average hater of expats is just a "Tanguy" afraid to leave his mom.
Criticizing expats is often just a way to hide one's own fear of moving.

We always hear the same arguments:

  • "You don’t pay taxes."
  • "You won’t have a pension."
  • "You’ll come back to France for healthcare."
  • "Bali is ugly and poor; I prefer Val-de-Marne."

But in reality, expats aren’t the problem. The fear of those who stay is.

🔹 Fear of leaving their comfort zone.
🔹 Fear of taking control of their own lives.
🔹 Fear of losing the safety of a system that holds their hand.
🔹 Fear of building their own retirement, security, and future.
🔹 Fear of being in charge of their own health.

Expatriation is like leaving your parents’ house:

  • It takes courage.
  • It takes resources.
  • It takes responsibility.

It’s not for everyone.
But if you feel stuck, trapped, or imprisoned, there’s a solution: take the leap! It was the best decision of my life.

💡 With freedom comes responsibility. But trust me, it’s worth it.

So, when are you packing your bags? 🚀

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